Dominik Christian Maier

Dominik Maier is a PhD Student at the chair of Security in Telecommunications (SecT) at TU Berlin with Prof. Dr. Jean-Pierre Seifert. At the same time he works as Program Manager Security with AVM GmbH, enhancing the security of personal routers with the German market leader.

In 2017, he received his M.Sc. in Computer Science from University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany). The study for his thesis "Secure Smartphone-based Authentication in a Connected World" was conducted at NECST-lab of Politecnico di Milano (Italy).

2014 to 2015 he examined the security of device firmware on a large scale at SecLab UC Santa Barbara (CA, USA).

His Bachelor's Thesis, "Obfuscation Techniques for Android Malware to Bypass Sandboxes" - which concluded his studies in Business Informatics at University of Erlangen-Nuremberg - was awarded with the CAST-Förderpreis for best Bachelor's thesis in the field of IT security in Germany.

Concurrently to the Bachelor, as part of a combined study program, he held an apprenticeship with DATEV eG, a large German software company, where he earned his IHK -"Computer Science Expert"-certificate in 2013. His final paper about Microsoft Surface's TPM included one of the first implementations of client-side TLS authentication for Windows Store Apps worldwide.

He worked on mobile and security development projects, consulting and pentesting, including projects with the German chipcard-reader manufacturer REINER SCT and gained years of experience in the security solutions department at DATEV eG.

In his spare-time he likes to travel, hack on open-source projects, own apps, as well as organize and participate in CTFs.
